*Finalize plan of work and strategic plan for following year to be approved at 
December board meeting. 
*Chair Summer Meeting Committee (include Area Board Member on the 
committee). This committee is responsible for: 
Planning, Implementing, Registration, Correspondence, distribution of meeting 
notice, etc. A written summary of the meeting to be presented at the next
Board Meeting and should be included in the Annual Report. 
Duties of the Vice President 
*Temporarily assume the duties of the President Elect in situations of the President 
Elect's absence or inability to act.  
*Exercise such powers and perform such duties as the Executive Board may 
prescribe or as the President may delegate.  
*Responsible for planning the winter meeting for the following year.   
*Chair Winter Meeting Committee (include Area Board Member on the committee)  
The committee is responsible for: 
Planning, Implementing, Registration, Correspondence, meeting notice, etc. A 
written summary of meeting should be presented at the next Executive Board Meeting 
and should be included in the Annual Report. 
*Serves as the Chapter Parliamentarian 
*Serve as Liaison to the Awards Committee 
Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer
*Perform all of the duties incident to the offices of secretary and treasurer of a not 
for profit corporation.  
*Perform such duties as prescribed in Chapter bylaws, by the Chapter articles of 
incorporation, and by the Executive Board and other duties as assigned by the 
President and the Executive Board.  
*Record the minutes of all Executive Board and membership meetings.  
*Give and serve all required notices of the Chapter.  
*Attest to Chapter contracts and other documents signed by the President or other 
person authorized by the Executive Board.  
*Maintain a complete and accurate list of Chapter member names and addresses.  
*Maintain a complete and accurate record of the Chapter's finances.  
*Be responsible for all funds, notes, securities, and other property of the Chapter.  
*Furnish a statement of the Chapter's financial condition at the annual meeting of 
the membership and whenever requested by the Executive Board.  
*Be an authorized signatory for all Chapter funds and securities.  
*Have custody of all Chapter funds and securities; establish accounts with financial 
institutions; makes deposits and authorized expenditures of Chapter funds  
*Serve as liaison to the Membership Committee.  
*Serve as communication liaison between the Chapter and the International Society.  
*Serve as resident agent of the Chapter. 
*File all chapter reports required by the Society and by government agencies. 
Prepare a draft budget for New Year for approval at December Executive Board 
Inform Ankeney of chapter delegate to International Meeting 
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