*If deemed necessary and in concurrence with the Executive Board, appoint 
subcommittees, task forces, or individuals to help accomplish the committee's 
*Prepares and submit goals/actions recommended by the committee to the 
Executive Board to include in the Chapter's annual plan of work.  
*Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Executive Board for the committees 
planned activities as indicated in the plan of work.  
Duties of All Committee Members
*Attend every committee meeting if possible, on a timely and active basis.  
*Accept committee assignments and complete them in the time agreed upon.  
*Be positive, enthusiastic, and cooperative.  
*Base your personal recommendations on what is best for the Chapter.  
Duties of Newsletter Editor
(Appointed annually By Executive Board)
*Regularly attend Executive Board Meetings.  
*Obtain information and publish quarterly newsletter.  
*Publish newsletter for display on Chapter web site and email to each member.
Chapter Program Committee  
*Monitor the strategic plan, reviewing and revising as appropriate.  
*Prepare long range and annual work plans based on the strategic plan's goals and 
*Seek funding sources to finance projects, activities, scholarships and programs.  
*Develop/review officer and committee chairperson job descriptions and keep 
*Monitor administrative functions, and make recommendations for improvement.  
*Ensure Chapter bylaws are current and available to all members.  
*Formulate processes for policy and resolution development.  
*Develop a process for member input into policy and position statement 
development and involvement in legislative affairs.  
*Establish and maintain relations with state and national legislative bodies.  
*Establish policy issues alliances with other groups/organizations as appropriate.  
*Plan for lobbying efforts.  
*Recommend level of Chapter involvement in legislative affairs.  
*Recommend level of Chapter involvement in other organization's position 
statement development, lobbying efforts, etc.  
*Advise and counsel the President in the making issues/policy related public 
appearance, statements, etc., on behalf of the Chapter.  
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