SC Exotic Pest Plant Council Non-Native Invasive Plant Species List ­ March, 2004


Committee Members:  Jan Haldeman, John Nelson, Ken Glenn, and Robin Roecker

Reviewers (those providing comments): Bert Pittman, Bill Stringer, Jean Everett, Patrick McMillan, Charlie Horn, Chick Gaddy, Bob McCartney, Mark Dutton




1. Severe threat: Exotic invasive plant species which are known to pose a severe threat to the composition, structure, or function of natural areas in the state of South Carolina

2. Significant threat: Exotic invasive plant species which are not presently considered to spread as easily into native plant communities as #1.

3. Watch: Exotic plant species that are considered to be a potential threat to natural plant communities.

Distribution codes: ( Based upon maps of SC Plant Atlas )

 M = mountains

 P =  piedmont

 CP = coastal  plain

Species List, by Severity of Threat and by Growth Form


Severe Threat:      

Triadica sebifera, Chinese tallow tree    PCP  (Sapium sebifera in Atlas )

Significant Threat :

Ailanthus altissima, Tree of heaven    MPCP

Albizia julibrissin, Mimosa, Silktree    MPCP

Melia azedarach, Chinaberry     MPCP

Paulownia tomentosa, Princess tree    MP


Firmiana simplex, Chinese Parasol Tree

Pyrus calleryana, Bradford pear    Not in Atlas


Severe Threat:

Elaeagnus angustifolia, Russian Olive    Not  in Atlas

Elaeagnus pungens, Thorny Olive    MP

Elaeagnus umbellata, Autumn Olive    MP

Ligustrum japonicum, Japanese Privet   MPCP

Ligustrum sinensis, Chinese Privet    MPCP

Rosa multiflora, Multiflora Rose    MPCP

Significant Threat:

Lespedeza bicolor, Two Color Bush Clover

Mahonia bealei, Leatherleaf Mahonia    P

Mahonia nervosa, Cascade Oregon Grape   CP

Nandina domestica, Nadina, Sacred Bamboo   M


Cytisus scoparius, Scotch Broom     MP

Euonymus fortunei, Climbing Euonymus, Winter Creeper Not inAtlas.

Euonymus alata, Winged Euonymus, Buring Bush  Not in Atlas

Lonicera fragrantissima, Sweet Breath of Spring.  MPCP

Poncirus trifoliata, Trifoliate Orange    M


Severe Threat:

Lonicera japonica, Japanese Honeysuckle   MPCP

Pueraria lobata, Kudzu     MPCP

Wisteria sinensis, Chinese Wisteria    MPCP

Wisteria floribunda, Asian Wisteria    P

Significant Threat:

Hedera helix, English Ivy      MPCP

Lygodium japonicum, Japanese Climbing Fern  MPCP

Vitex rotundifolia, Beach Vitex    CP


Celastrus orbiculatus, Asian Bittersweet   MP

Clematis terniflora, Sweet Autumn Virgin’s Bower  MPCP

Cuscuta japonica, Japanese dodder    M

Dioscorea oppositifolia, Air potato, Chinese yam  MPCP

Fallopia aubertii, Lace vine     Not in Atlas

Grasses, sedges

Severe Threat:

Microstegium vimineum, Japanese stilt grass   MPCP

Phragmites australis, Common reed    CP

Significant Threat:

Arundo donax, Giant Reed     MPCP

Paspalum notatum, Bahia grass    MPCP

Phyllostachys aurea Bamboo     PCP

Miscanthus sinensis, Chinese Silvergrass   MPCP

Schedonorus arundinaceus, Tall Fescue   Not in Atlas (Schedonorus arundinaceus or Festuca arundinaceus )


Cyperus entrerianus, Deep-rooted sedge   Not in Atlas

Eragrostis curvula, Weeping Love Grass   PCP

Imperata cylindrica, Cogon Grass    CP

Sorghum halepense, Johnson Grass    MPCP


Severe Threat:

Murdannia keisak, Wart Removing Herb   MPCP

Significant Threat:

Carduus nutans, Nodding Thistle, Marsh Thistle  MP

Cirsium vulgare, Bull Thistle     MP

Reynoutria japonica, Japanese Knotweed   Not in Atlas

Solanum viarum, Tropical Soda Apple   Not in Atlas


Allaria petiolata, Garlic Mustard    Not in Atlas

Colocasia esculanta., Elephant’s Ear    Not in Atlas

Commelina bengalensis, Tropical Spiderwort  Not in Atlas

Daucus carota, Queen Anne’s Lace    MPCP

Lespedeza cuneata, Serecea, Chinese Bush Clover  MPCP

Liriope muscari, Liriope, Monkey Grass   Not in Atlas

Lythrum saicaria, Purple Loosestrife    Not in Atlas

Phyllanthus tenellus, Mascarene Island Leafflower  MPCP

Phyllanthus urinaria, Leafflower, Shatterstone  PCP

Vinca major, Bigleaf Periwinkle    MPCP

Vinca minor, Common Periwinkle    MP